Cable elevators

Hi fellow AG'rs. I seeking advice regarding recommendations for flat/ribbon cable supports. i.e (for Nordost flat speaker cables). Any recommendations? Thanks for your responses in advance.
I think I've said it elsewhere in one of the forums, but it's worth repeating.  
Try granola bars, original oats & honey in the green box work best, with 1/2" layers of Jif peanut butter in between, 6 pieces high placed perpendicular underneath the speaker wire every 24".  If you don't hear a difference go to 20" apart and then if still no difference, go in 2" increments until the sound just blooms with clarity.  When you hit the right point, you will know it, it will hit you like a ton of bricks - the sound will just open up 3 dimensionally.  It's kind of like setting up a Vandersteen speaker or planars/electrostatic speakers.   The speaker/speaker wire connection seems to dictate how far apart the granola bar/PB spkr wire lift has to be.  Generally, I've noticed bookshelf speakers can use less granola but floor standers need more granola.  

This is the most amazing tweak ever!   
In general, you should not spend a lot of time rubbing your cables on a wool carpet.

If you think a significant static charge will accumulate from the cables simply sitting on the carpet... uhmm.. static sitting... then there is a problem and it is not in your cables.

As a fun test, why not see if the SQ  is affected when a Defibrillator is hooked up to the outside of the cables?

or shoot a Taser at them while listening.
What would wrapping the cables with the metal foil of your choosing.   I would use copper if I can find it and then seal it with a plastic wrap called "Press and Seal".  That should keep out stray noises.
@audiofool1  - Red Dragon Audio running a sale on cable elevators designed for ribbon/flat cables. You can get 10 elevators for $139.99 plus free shipping. 
