Current NAD integrated amps, what are your impressions?

I just picked up a C326BEE and wanted to hear if my results are common, or what the general consensus is for NAD. I did some searching on this forum, but there doesn’t seem to be a lot of love or threads directed at NAD.

I actually acquired a C372 about 3 years ago, but sold it within a year as it seemed pretty bland and laid back. I’ve heard that this vintage wasn’t as reliable and my remote control did die. When I shipped it to the buyer it showed up DOA in one channel! I helped him with the repairs but it left me with reservations regarding NAD. From what I can gather, the current models are much more reliable.

So Spearit sound is clearing out refurbished NAD components, and I couldn’t resist the price(no affiliation). Bottom line, the 326 sounds way better than I expected. I’d been using a Denon AVR3801 in 2 channel with a second system, and the imaging, clarity and punch is easily better with the 326. I’m driving Tannoy DC4 bookshelf speakers and what a soundstage!. Diana Krall tracks are recorded with the piano mic’d so the lower register starts in the left speaker and the highest notes in the right. I’d not heard that with the Denon, but the 326 sets it out so clearly.

So what has your experience been with NAD?
From what I've read, for more recent Nad integrated amps that develop issues, that's one of the main ones.  I'm not sure what percentage of these amps develop problems, but of the 5 recent Nad products I've owned, the remote died on a C372, and that's it.  

I recently bought a used Wyred4Sound DAC2. It allows selection of output gain with fixed output. I reduced the output such that I could remove a greater portion of the attenuation on my 326BEE such that I now can turn volume to 3 o'clock to get desired loudness. Amp sounds less congested, more refined.  It also seems to me that the degree of attenuation/volume sweep distance is less between 12 and 3 o'clock than between 9 and 12 o'clock. I intend to continue exploring this.
Interesting.  So I'm getting a C375BEE now( I just had to collect the whole set!) and it's got 2 pairs of outputs, one with a gain knob.  I know it's not quite the same thing as what you've done, Mesch, but using those gained outputs would give much the same effect.  I'll have to experiment for sure.  
I am thinking of going up the NAD line, though I will likely look for a used unit. I tried the soft clipping function on the 326 however think it reduces dynamics. How much better does the 356 drive speakers over the 326? I am thinking I could use a little more juice.
The first thing that struck me about the 356 was the superior bass control.  At higher volumes the sound remains clear when the 326 starts to get congested.  I haven't had the 326 for about 2 months now so I can't add too much to what I said, but the bass accuracy was better.  

That said, 50 watts to 80 watts isn't a huge amount of change.  There are integrated amps by Arcam, Nait or Rega where a 70 or 80 watt amp may have more control at higher volumes.  My Parasound A21 P7 combo is clearly superior to the Nad 356, so I guess I'm saying, don't expect jaw dropping improvements.  If you can get the 356 at less than retail, or used, it would be a better option.