A speaker that looks like a driver or a driver that looks like a speaker?

I want to present to you judgement NoLimits speakers. Waiting for your comments.

Mmmm....my 2 cents....

Volya, in the interest of 'market research', so far you're getting 'limited appeal' from the 'philes so far.  The design is stark, to be kind;  as a modernist myself if they live up to claimed performance and I liked how they sounded I'd hang them up on the wall.  They appear to be as much 'art piece' as reproducers and could be treated as such.  I certainly find them more appealing than your other offerings...
Also, in the interest of being fair...a lot of 'phile speakers on the market are sporting cabinetry and structures that edge into appearing more as 'sculpture' as opposed to the 'monkey coffins' that still dominate the market.  You'll get my nod on that, they're definitely not boring and better than some I've seen and smirked at....the 'WTF' response has got to be expected when you go off the beaten track. *S*
I wish you luck with the new product....I suspect you'll need a hefty dose of it. ;)
In a related forum, this has gotten some varied comments.  I could see this betwixt your drivers...
...in fact, there's a pic of it between 2, on the wall...

Again, minimalist isn't bad...but it's an acquired taste, not a big market.  Most of us live 'cluttered' lives; I know I do.  But that isn't stopping the spouse and I from wanting and designing a home that to the neighbors will look like a rectangular box with rectangular holes punched into it's walls. *L*  They might show up with pitchforks and torches and be a little agitated, but hey...one can't pick ones' neighbors generally either... ;)

I'll offer a beer and a tour as a peace offering. *G*  Beyond that, live it or live with it. *shrug*
Making a speaker look like a driver is like building a motel that looks like a bed, or a toll booth in the shape of a dollar sign. Design like that is usually abandoned by the age of 9.

Send me a pair. I'll gladly write a review. PM me and I'll give you my address.

I would find it fascinating to review. It's a heavy brute, so it would be problematic getting it downstairs into my listening room; probably a deal breaker for that reason. :(

I do not mind looking at, listening to unusual products. Heaven knows there are enough truly weird speakers at shows, much less seen online. There is no telling what might capture the fancy of an enthusiast. This one, however, is a most ambitious statement piece, albeit not for ultimate performance. 

I do not see any apparent speaker binding posts. They may be located very low and between the arms of the speaker basket, but that's the only� location I see that they would have to be. Moving it would be a real PITA. I wonder how much movement those skinny spikes would take. The presentation of it on the website makes me wonder if the entire affair is not a joke, an in your face farce. But, I don't think most companies would go to the trouble of that much detail for a joke. 

I always wish audio companies well, and I'm sure there are audiophiles who treasure uniqueness as well as sound quality. This is one of the more avant-guarde inspirations I have seen. Kudos to the company for daring a vision so bold. While it is definitely not most people's cup of tea, it's a vibrant expression of individuality. 

I have in my family room a rare speaker, not so much for the price tag or extreme performance (it has no extreme performance), the Kingsound King Guitar Speaker. There are very few speakers like it! I saw it at a show and had to have it, not for performance, but for enjoyment of the design. We have had more people visiting get a kick out of the faux guitar design, and rightly so, as it's just plain fun. 
I can understand there are people who want more enjoyment factor in a whimsical way than hard core performance, just as there are people who crave nostalgia and go for the vintage gear. 

Hearing it, especially as it is a more difficult to drive design, I would not expect audacious performance, but would likely get a big kick out of the visual and auditory experience. Paired with some of those amps that look like lobsters (sorry, forgot the name)  it would be a big hit! :)