Any suggestions for a good speaker match for Naim

My sytem is NAC 282 NAP 250 HICAP and CDX2

Considering Sonus Faber Cremona, Wilson Sofia, Dynaudio S25, etc.
Both Linn and Epos are a good match with Naim electronics. One of the best systems I've ever heard was the Linn Isobariks (the big ones, not the Sara's) with active Naim amps.

I think Naim used Epos when voicing their earlier amps, or maybe Epos used Naim....can't remember. I owned Epos ES14's and they were an excellent speaker. I think the newer, more expensive line of Epos would be a good match with Naim amps.
Proacs and Vandersteen are outstanding with the Naim amps.  It just depends on what you like in a speaker.