Any suggestions for a good speaker match for Naim

My sytem is NAC 282 NAP 250 HICAP and CDX2

Considering Sonus Faber Cremona, Wilson Sofia, Dynaudio S25, etc.
Nobody has mentioned Spendor? Spendor and Harbeth are supposed to be excellent matches with Naim gear.

Good luck!
Both Linn and Epos are a good match with Naim electronics. One of the best systems I've ever heard was the Linn Isobariks (the big ones, not the Sara's) with active Naim amps.

I think Naim used Epos when voicing their earlier amps, or maybe Epos used Naim....can't remember. I owned Epos ES14's and they were an excellent speaker. I think the newer, more expensive line of Epos would be a good match with Naim amps.
Proacs and Vandersteen are outstanding with the Naim amps.  It just depends on what you like in a speaker.