Specific Pre-Amp advice

I would really like to get some help from the Forum. Late 2017 early 2018 I am getting a new pre-amp. My options to hear gear are low (common issue). Probably be buying blind which I have done in the past in conjunction with research. Here is the run down. 

Budget: 2500 possibly pushed to 3k. Looking for used gear (pretty much ruling out new).

1. I am leaning heavily toward a tube pre.
2. I would like a remote but its not a deal breaker if it gets me better SQ
3. Line stage only. Don't really need a phono stage as I have a stand alone
4. It needs to be active. 
5. Feeding SS amp with 100k input impedance 
6. Primary used with Vinyl front end. Would like it to handle three sources. (Radio, Dac/CD and Input for TT)
7. 2 channel only no pass through needed or wanted. 
8. Single Ended RCA Connection. My amp does not have true balance connections 

Current System 

VPI Prime 
SS Aida Cart
MS Nova Phomoma 
Exposure 17
Exposure Dual Reg 4
Vienna Acoustic Mozart Grands 

I am looking to get more resolution. A more liquid sound. Bigger soundstage and get more of the recording space into my room. 

My preference is for an open/transparent neutral sound slightly tipped to the warm side in the highs. Slight roll off maybe. I like a fast quick musical sound with tight quick bass. Not looking for tube romance or rounded bass. I absolutely would like to stay away from bright sounding gear. Also super etched is not to my thing. I fall in the musicality camp. 

Any suggestions that would help me achieve this sound would be appreciated. These qualities defiantly take system matching into account. Pretty happy right now but I think I can do better.

 Baranyi this sounds interesting. I never heard of it. l like the Idea of OTL line stage. Thanks will definitely put it on the list. 

I have the Micro ZOTL and the newer MZ2-S pre. This is a world class preamp with a real world price. I can't even explain how good it is but if you read up on David Berning's designs you will begin to understand.
Well I like the idea of the MicroZ-s

15 day trial
Within budget new
Tube options
Added benefit of Headphone amp
Light Weight... could be moved upstairs for headphone listening easily

I just was forced to pick up a clean Technics 1200mk2 due to a unbeatable craiglist price. Let me just say its way better than I even imaged it could be. Hell I could use it for a headphone setup by the bed after using down stairs in the main setup.

I concur with those extolling the Herron VTSP-3A. I have owned several preamps from ARC and Modwright and while each had virtues the Herron is a far superior linestage. Keith is a pleasure to deal with and builds intelligently designed, reliable equipment and then supports his products in the field with unmatched integrity. While Herron is perhaps better known for the VTPH-2 phono stage, the VTSP-3A is an equally spectacular find. I'm driving a solid state Modwright KWA-150SE with mine (50K input impedance) and together they always make great music. At a lower price point I would look into the Linear Tube Audio MicroZ2s. I heard this with the ZOTL40 at Urban HiFi a few months back and though the system and room were unfamiliar they made very good sound. Mark and his team at LTA are great folks and are producing innovative, world class Berning designs at real world prices. Definitely worth checking them out! 

What great input. I know you can't exactly know where the Micro Z2s stands because you were not familiar with the room or system but please elaborate as much as you can or can take and educated guess on the differences between the sonic signatures between the Herron and the Mirco. 

Any input on sonic signatures/presentations styles and differences Between the Herron, Modwright, Arc and the Micro would be very helpful. I know not perfect but I am doubtfully there are to many here with the insight you have as you heard all of them. 

This is the exact info I was after and you are familiar with top choices including the ARC. 

Any info greatly appreciated.