Just Ordered New Speakers

I just put the order in for a pair of Golden Ear Triton Reference Speakers. I was able to get the first production run which should be shipping sometime in May. They will replace my Triton 1 speakers which will be moved upstairs to my secondary system. Presently I have Triton 2 in my secondary system, so those will go on the market once my new speakers come in. I bought these without hearing them, but since I already own both the 1 and 2, I am positive I will love them. They all have the GE house sound which I like very much.

Now the long wait and anticipation begins

I own Triton Ones...I was blown away the first time I heard them and when my buddy offered to sell me his, I bought them without hesitation.

They are incredibly revealing, and I agree with the above that they will show the weaknesses of anything upstream.  

I run an all- Emotiva upstream:  XMC-1 into Gen 2 XPA-1 monoblocks.  Analog is a Music Hall MMF 9.1 into a Parks Audio SUT and then a Hagerman Bugle phono stage then the XMC-1.


Thanks!  You must come listen once I get them dialed in.  I moved up my retirement date to June 30th, the end of the school year.  I will have the whole Summer to get the  Triton Reference perfectly set up.

Just noticed gdhal's response to my satirical doctor's terminology, and realize I should perhaps practice some sort of mirth control.
RACKON gotta love the help. My auditioin down south did not have the subs on.Maybe the rotel was good.He was pushing the paradigms that day too.R.W.They did offer to set up for a future audition.