Dac: Does anyhting beat the Schiit Gungnir Multibit (Gumby) in the same price range?

Schitt Gungnir Multibit (Gumby): Does anything beat it in the same price range?
I auditioned the Gungnir Multibit and PS Audio NuWave DSD in my system. Both are very dynamic but I preferred the PS Audio due to its more organic and natural presentation of classical music. It uses a  programable chip similar to the high-end PS Audio DACs, plus it will accept hirez.

A used Ayre Codex.
I bought the Gungnir (non multibit), and the Ayre was better, not a huge difference, but it sounded tighter and more coherent, and a nicer soundstage. Also, a little more 'natural'.
I'll probably have it upgraded soon (they seem to be having a backlog at the moment). 
Some have said the Yggy and the Codex are almost identical in reproduction quality.
How do you like it ? That's the only thing that counts.  Try it, see if you like it and decide for yourself, if it can be beat for the money.
"Try it" is sage advice of course... except for the fact that it's both time consuming and brutally expensive without narrowingly down the field!
Music Direct offers a 60 day home trial and Schiit offers 14 days. The problem with Schiit is that 14 days is barely enough time to break in the unit, plus they charge a restocking fee.

All DACs are different and all systems are different, so it does take time. Posting on this forum can narrow the selection of DACs, but audition is still the best way to choose.