New Technics SL 1200 GAE

Anyone acquired a new Technics DD 1200 GAE? Has anyone not been happy with the stock arm and changed it?
In life we are always presented with choice and I feel i took the right one. I owned a Clearaudio performance DC and then upgraded to Gyro SE which I still own. Then i heard the GAE at Fidelis Audio in NH and completely fell in love with it. I bought it right away and rushed home to install. I'm using Ortofon Cadenza Black MC cartridge right now on the technics and a Lyra Delos on the Gyro. I am also using a Record weight with the GAE. After a year of side by side use i've come to the conclusion that I will put for sale my Gyro SE since it is not used as often. every time i get a new record or want to enjoy one of the  best for my collection the GAE is the indisputable choice. I Agree with the other owners in the forum about the build quality and sound. I just don't feel the itch of upgrading anymore with this TT. Speed control is also way better than the Clearaudio and Gyro. I don't think i will ever sell my GAE. I might get another turntable to replace the Gyro eventually but the Technics will stay with me forever
Just a quick post to say thanks for sharing the evolution of your TT journey balboahu.

Yours is the kind of post I like to read.  Someone who comments and makes a decision based on three quality components of the same type that you have owned, in this case TT's.

The Clearaudio and Gyro SE are no slouches so when you say you are only keeping the Technics, that speaks volumes!  Good for you and enjoy it as it will be around a long, long time.  They last forever.
Just a FWIW y'all, regarding the original post.

We have successfully mounted a 12" Triplanar to the SL1200GAE. The combination is fabulous!
That's Super!!! I would be interested in the details! Especially the music. Kept wondering if you really accomplished it. I would think that this will impact All TTs.
Can you give me hint at cost beside TT and Triplanar ???

I have now owned my GAE for about 10 months and it has gotten plenty of play time. I generally play it more often than my Sp10 mk3 as I save the MC Anna's stylus life for hard-core listening sessions whereas it's far less expensive in the long run to listen to my 103R for non-critical sessions or background music and for less than pristine pressings :)

I have a habit of every 3-6 months reverting back to a former configuration to make sure what I thought I heard previously is in fact what I'm hearing now (I do this for my whole listening chain) I did this with the GAE regarding the "auto" vs "manual" mode. I went back to auto mode about 3 months ago. I was shocked at how much better it was. I have some original recordings of the deck in auto and manual mode during its break-in period and I can tell you without a doubt it sounded far better in manual mode when the unit was newly arrived.

So what changed? Obviously I can't definitively answer that, however, I can speculate. The bearing would have run in and it is possible that the electronic mechanism that this table has to quell vibrations is not working nearly as hard, perhaps translating to a more airy languid and relaxed sound, i.e. It no longer sounds like a good (but not exceptional dac) when in auto mode.

I went back and forth many times and sure enough, once run-in I am firmly on the "auto-mode" side of the fence now, but when the table was new? No way!!!

Based on what I could glean from Mr. Fremers review of this table, he had it in his possession for some time. Perhaps his unit was fully run-in when he attempted the comparison between manual and auto mode, I don't know but that would explain at least to me why he preferred auto-mode.

I can still hear a sizable delta between auto and manual mode it's just that the advantage now goes to auto-mode. 

My my advice is run the thing in manual mode until you get about a 500 to a 1000 hours on the bearing and then start switching and comparing the playback modes. You may be surprised; I was literally SHOCKED and for a minute didn't believe my own ears.

Bearings in turntable are immensely important! I look at it like new rings on a piston seating themselves along the cylinder walls of an auto engine :)

I would like to hear from some owners who have some mileage, figuratively writing, on their SL-1200 G or GAE.