Looking for CD player recommendations that are a great match with Classe & Vandersteen

Looking for some recommendations for CD players that will mate well with the sound characteristics of a Classe CAP-101 integrated amp and Vandersteen 2C speakers? Cabling is DH Labs Q-10 and Air Matrix. I listen to all kinds of music... pop, rock, classical, ambient/electronic. But, mostly rock and prog rock. My budget is max $600, but I’d like to stay somewhat under that if at all possible. I don’t need a lot of features. In fact, the basics are fine--so long as it has a remote. CD is my primary source (and I love it :)

Thanks Itzhak.

@jsbach1685 ,
I wouldn't discount streaming altogether. Apple and Apple Music isn't the best way to stream music (Though I am probably going to be slammed for saying it). Even a Bluesound Node will give you better results. I own them and output to my DAC's. Like I said, I haven't listened to my CD's for a year.


either a Classe' or Rotel cd player will be a fine addition to your system.

Happy Listening!

I haven't personally ever considered "matching" a CD player with the rest of my system as I always thought a good sounding CDP will sound good in any system. But that aside, I just saw a real good sale price on the Teac CD-1000 SACD/CD player at the Spearit. Sounds like a great deal. I'm real tempted to bite myself...
I'm using an Oppo 103 with a Krell integrated, Anticables, and Vandy 2Cs.
Room treatment on front wall, side walls, back wall.
Several hours determining best speaker and listening seat positions.
I only listen to CDs.
Dedicated room, dedicated AC line.
Stereophile rates the 103 class B, the latest model 203 is $549 and should sound as good or better.
I'm a happy camper.
Hope you will be too.
