A year ago, I bought a pair of MMGs.  In my 13x22 room, placement was a challenge but finally worked it out.

Speakers are powered by an Adcom GFA-555.  The only source is a CD player through a passive pre-amp.

Now I have a little more to spend and would like thoughts on the following options:

1) Mye stands for the MMGs

2) The DWM panel with the MMGs (secondary question - can this panel be placed on a side wall perpendicular to the MMGs?)

3) 1.7s

Open to other out-of-the-box suggestions as well.

The goal is always to attain that Magnepan soundstage.  Musical tastes are female vocalists, jazz, blues.
Did you look up their own view of which amp is best for Maggies? 

"Class A/B amplifier designs that come close to doubling power at 4 ohms have a long and successful track record."

Not sure when was this written though. See the part about class D amp.

"A new type of amplifier (Class D) has become more popular because it is a "green" design and uses less power plus it is smaller in size compared to conventional amplifier designs. We have heard reports of Class D amplifiers shutting down when driving 4 ohm loads or sound quality that is less-than-desirable. Quite frankly, some sound very poor on Maggies. However, more recent designs of high-end models are much better. Because we do not have the time to determine which models of Class D designs are compatible with Maggies, we must take a conservative approach. Direct-coupled, Class A/B designs with high current capability have proven a good choice for many decades."

I am happy with my Aragon 8008-->SMGc
Have them gunned. You will not be sorry. When you pay for the best you only cry once. John will take good care of you, tell him his favorite russian sent you.
Definitely go with the 1.7s. For what it's worth, in my system when my Rel subwoofer blew a diode, I picked up a PSB subsonic 5i for $100 and it integrated with with my 1.7s perfectly and I like its sound better than the Rel which ten times as much! Just my experience. I started with mmgs... 1.7s are MUCH better at everything. You won't be disappointed. They take awhile to break in though. They get better for a year.
I use two Bryston 3Bs to biamp my MGIIIa power problem. They sound good, great soundstage.
I'll second what  Chataudio said, I heard both the "gunned Smga's and the 1.6's approx 10 yrs ago and both were outstanding sonically and aestically - a real plus considering Maggie's are butt ugly. I still regret passing up the opportunity to get a pair back then from John at a great price