Amps from the 1980's -- What gear holds up sonically? Reliably?

Hi Everyone,

For me, the 1980s were a real "golden age" of amplifiers. Dr. Leach’s paper on building a low TIM amplifier had been widely distributed and relied on by budding designers, and lots of boutique brands came. It was also the era of the biggest of the Conrad Johsnon tube amps as well and the invention of the MOSFET.

For me, brands I cared about:

  • Threshold
  • Sumo
  • Perreaux (New Zealand, very pretty)
  • Tandberg
  • Hitachi
  • Kyocera
  • Nikko
  • Krell (of course)
  • CJ
  • ARC
  • Yamaha (professional)
  • Carver
  • Mark Levinson
  • Amber 
  • Tandberg
This was also the speaker era of Snell and Apogee and Martin Logan. I am not sure there would be a Krell today if it wasn't for Apogee's 1 ohm speakers.

I’m curious who is still listening to these vintage pieces, and which brands you think have stood up both in terms of reliability and / or sonics ?
Shop I worked at in college sold a lot of Adcom triple nickels.  Of course, I couldn't afford that and beer money, even at cost!  The big Adcom (and later the 565) reliably drove the Thiel 3.5's in one of the shop's large, treated listening rooms, and I spent many days hoping one day to have a system as fine as that. Good people and sweet memories.  

Might be well known, but when asked what 'GFA' signified, reportedly the Adcom guys said it was short for 'Great F____ Amp'.  Certainly has earned its place in audio lore.

There is just too much stuff to mention, some equipment will do wonders in some systems and sound average in others. But if you hear the same model component being repeated, then you know something special about that item. I used to believe McIntosh was not high-end because for many years, they were not in the hifi game but after they got back in, and I got to hear their new stuff along with returned back and listening to their older gear like the MC 275, it definitely settled the issue that some Mcintosh is superb equipment also.
the 80s kyocera gear was extremely well built--they aspired to be the japanese mcintosh. their separates are comparatively rare and pricey, but their receivers (r851, r861) are ubiquitous, cheap and great-sounding.
A bit surprised no one has mentioned Belles.  I have an original Belles Research Model 1 purchased new in 1985 that sounds just as terrific now as it did then.  No repair or service required, even after a number of cross-country moves.  Detailed, quiet, clean & musical.  A winner all around, IMO.

FWIW, I purchased it through Gala Sound (Jim Gala).  For those of you who know Upstate NY, that might bring back a few memories.
Still using an 1988 Audio Research D125 (125WPC 6550's) fronted by a 1968 Mcintosh MX-110Z on a daily basis. MX all stock except preamp tubes (50's RCA); D125 recap'd PS with regular tube changes.