Primaluna dialogue premium HP tube rolling suggestions to reduce brightness

I have had the dialogue premium hp for about 6 months now, using naim preamp and proac tablette anniversary speakers.  I have been noticing some brightness in the high end, and am wondering is I might be able to switch out the tubes to cool it down a bit.  

I am running the stock el34 and 12au7. As this is the hp with 8 power tubes, I would rather not switch the el34 for financial reasons, so does anyone have recommendation to change the 12au7 tubes.  

I also think the the proacs are contributing to the brightness, but would rather not go speaker shopping again, but have not eliminated that option if you have some ideas

Yes the Mullard reissues are Russian. Jared is usually my go to guy at Upscale when it comes to tube recommendations. Kevin can be difficult to get an good answer from. Just my personally experience.

Also I want to add. You shouldn't be forced to use only Triode mode with your amp. If so, then what's the point of owning it? I prefer to use UL most of the time.
If you are sure about which impedance terminals sound the best you can try some very inexpensive new stock JJ tubes in the 12AU7 spots.  
The JJs come stock on the Cronus Magnum and are a dark sounding tube but still capable of great sound.  This will be an inexpensive way to see if you are headed in the right direction.  You can get JJs 10 bucks each.  
aniwolfe- I prefer the ultralinear mode, too, primarily because the soundstage is much bigger, which is why mini-monitors and EL34s have been at the heart of my systems for decades.  What else is in your system, if I may ask?

Dark, as opposed to bright, or dark as in heavy and not light and airy?  Who/where is the source for the JJs?
part of the brightness in the PL Dialogue and HP are the use of the SCR coupling caps. If you swap those out for Jensen Copper foil, you will get a midrange to die for and a 3 dimensional and airy top end.

The first AU7 (center two tubes) will have the largest affect on sonics, so maybe start there first with some Mullards. The 2nd and 3rd position sockets will have a lesser effect on tonal balance. Perhaps as some others suggested, use some RCA clear tops (used by many organ mfgrs back in the day) in those other slots.