Primaluna dialogue premium HP tube rolling suggestions to reduce brightness

I have had the dialogue premium hp for about 6 months now, using naim preamp and proac tablette anniversary speakers.  I have been noticing some brightness in the high end, and am wondering is I might be able to switch out the tubes to cool it down a bit.  

I am running the stock el34 and 12au7. As this is the hp with 8 power tubes, I would rather not switch the el34 for financial reasons, so does anyone have recommendation to change the 12au7 tubes.  

I also think the the proacs are contributing to the brightness, but would rather not go speaker shopping again, but have not eliminated that option if you have some ideas
One of the great things about owning a tube amp is altering the sound with different tubes. Especially ones with auto biasing. All you need is 2 12au7’s to start. I would call Jared at Upscale to get his advice on what would make the biggest impact.

As far cryo goes. I don't have much experience. I would imagine it would be a subtle difference from what I have read.
Aolmrd1241- I hear you.  Thinking changing tubes are an easy and inexpensive first step, with a limited number of possibilities.   I have not ruled out the naim as something to think about next.
Just an FYI. I owned both the Mk1 and Mk2 versions of the vtl TTs. You may want to consider a pair of EICO HF-30s. same Output tube complement, but better transformers. The HF-30s handily beat the pants off the mini VTLs.

European NOS 12au7 Mullards. Have a Rogue Pharaoh that came with stock JJ tubes. not a bad tube, but nowhere near as good as Mullard. The Mullards where warmer sounding and more detailed than the JJ.
Meiatflask... The Naim kit has been known to add a bit of treble emphasis in some applications. With that said,I would try a pair of the NOS Mullard 4003’s as already mentioned. They definitely can tame the highs a bit and also add a pleasant...smooth as honey coated flavor to the mix...though admittedly,not to everybody’s liking. It would be the first thing I would do for the improvement you are looking for.