Mills MRA two types of different brand ?

The older 12w Mills have black bodies; the newer version has a brown body.  Both sound good but I prefer the older ones.
Vishay bought Mills in 2011 and they have been making them ever since, in brown. There were four, color/finish versions of the older, made in the USA, Mills wire wounds: Dull(flat) in either black or brown / shiny and smooth in either black or brown.
thank you
why you prefer the older ones: how do they sound compared to newer ?
The older Mills 12w (shiny black) has a bit more detail and has fast, clean high frequencies and is slightly lean in the upper bass although it has tight, powerful deep bass.  They also have a slight edginess in the highs.  The newer version (dull brown) is warm, not lean, slightly soft and dull, and doesn't have quite as much detail.  At least that's how I recall them from a couple years ago.