Speaker jumpers

I have a pair of 805 Diamonds with the stock jumpers in place.Has anybody replaced these with upgraded jumper wires and got better sound?Do you think it would make a noticeable improvement?Factory jumpers look pretty wimpy for expensive speakers.Thanks!
often the same for power cords too, they figure you will use a different one anyway, so why pay to include a real good one...
Just to add to the internal wiring response,I had a pair of def tech some time ago.The sub went out and had to open it up to replace.I couldn't believe how cheap the wires were inside of that speaker.I was trying to use decent speaker wire,only to fine super thin wire inside!Hope my B&Ws have better wire than that inside!

My guess is the engineers weren't the ones who selected or designed that internal wire...

There is one speaker designer---Magnepan’s Jim Winey---who uses steel jumpers! So yes Randy, at least one designer does not know how to build them. Steel---can you believe it?!

Speaking of steel, the fuse holder in the Tympani-IV and IVa is made of that metal. Does anyone know of a copper (or at least brass) fuse holder?