Recommended Speaker List for Atma-Sphere OTL Amplifiers.

OK, I am not sure how many times this has been disscused but the information is found all over the forum. I would possible love to compile a list here.

I personally own the Classic Audio Loudspeakers T1.5

I am now looking to build a second room with the M60 Mono Blocks and MP-3 Pre-amp.

Would love fellow audiogon memebers posting any feedback with speakers they have used with these Amazing OTL sounding Amplifiers.
I played a pair of Zu Union speakers with my MA-1's/MP-3, the results were incredible. They came close to my Vandy Treo's.
I don't have the M-60's but wonder if a pair of Zero's would allow you to use them with the Treo's?
In any case, Ralph makes a heck of an amp/preamp.
I use M60s and an MP-3 in my system first with Audiokinesis Jazz Modules and now Quad ESL 57s. I’m getting a pair of Spendor 1/2E speakers to use with them as well.

Dealer disclaimer.

I've been designing speakers with Ralph's smaller amps (S-30 and M-60) very much in mind for years, but my speakers tend to be bigger than average (though usually not "T-1.5 big").  I do horn speakers that hopefully don't sound like horns, well at least not in the negative ways that the word "horn" can bring to mind.   

In a fairly compact speaker, you might consider High Emotion Audio and Omega Loudspeakers. 

At what they do well the Quad 57s are just magnificent.  If you decide to do a stacked pair, contact me for a tweak suggestion.

Best of luck in your quest,




I did consider your speakers. Ralph always speaks highly about you. The issue with me was I was looking for something more exotic. I am still searching and planning to fly into the USA to have a a listen to a few speakers and may visit you if you dont mind.