Opinions on Nuprime vs D-sonic vs Red Dragon vs Class D Audio

I'm looking to try a class D based power amplifier. Please share your experiences with the NuPrime, D-Sonic,  Red Dragon or Clas D Audio lines of power amplifiers. Thanks!
Just want to give a nod to Wyred 4 Sound (W4S).  I run a W4S DAC-2 straight into a ST-500 Mk II.  Got a "combo" deal from The Music Room through AGon.  I did a lot of reading (probably what you're doing) then became exhausted with all the research and opinions (there are lot, as i'm sure you've discovered).   So, I just took a dive in and am more than pleased.  Lots of oomph in my system but not bright.  Has been great for all kinds of music.  

The other reason I "invested" in W4S is that they are constantly offering upgrades to their existing products.  The upgrades are waaaaay more cost effective than purchasing a whole new X (fill in the blank).  When the upgrade bug bites or technology changes I can change with it.  

In the end, I think you can't lose out with what you're looking at.  

I like some of the ideas above where you can purchase something and send it back.  W4S does this too.  They are having what they call a "B-stock sale" and are offering pretty hefty discounts right now.  

Hope this helps.  Good luck.


I can’t give you opinions about how NuPrime compares to other class-D manufactures. But I can tell you that my NuPrime IDA-16 is one of the finest amps I have listened to.

As has been mentioned class-D has a lengthy burn-in process. My IDA-16 sounded powerful right out of the box but a bit rough. At about the 300 hour mark it started to open up and also started to refine and smooth out. Things progressed and improved steadily and then at about the 500 hour mark there was another big improvement; it opened up big time with the mids on up getting fuller and fuller and the treble smoothing out. From the lower mids down it’s one of the best amps I’ve heard.

Anyways, that’s a bit of my experience with NuPrime. Great sound, great build quality and excellent customer service.


I had Red Dragon amps in my system for while, some moons ago.

They were dimensional and a joy to listen to. Not analytical, but still detailed. I liked them a lot, but wasn't in the market for amps at the time.
Thanks guys I really appreciate the opinions. Glad to hear that it seems the ones Ive narrowed it down to all seem to great performers. Now I have to wait for the right price to pop up!
The only Class D amps I ever tried in my own system are the Arion Audio RS-500s.  I thought they were really good, powerful and non-digital sounding.  I think they come with a home trial, and owner/designer Mike Kallelis is a great guy.