Tube Phono with Tube Integrated Amp?

what are the drawbacks (if any) of this setup?  

i recently acquired a VPI Prime (amazing) with a Soundsmith Zephyr MKIII.   using a ProJect Tube Box S (which was a phenomenal upgrade for my previous ProJect Carbon table).  right now, running this through a vintage Kenwood KA-9100, powering Elac UniFi's bookshelf speakers. 

i'm looking to build a 2 channel system that i can grow with, so please disregard the amp/speakers for now.  I've read great things about the Manley Chinook and the Allnic H1201.   in the event that i upgrade to a tube integrated amp in the future, is there any downside?
i've read on this forum that a tube phono is better paired with a solid state amp.  

If you expand your horizons to consider used equipment, you'd be amazed at what you can acquire for $3K.  Just take a look at the Audiogon listings. I do understand that many are not comfortable with purchasing expensive second hand merchandise.
For a couple of  years I ran  an all tube amp chain (Ear 834P, VTL 5.5 II, VTL ST 150), but the background was never quiet enough. There was always some tube rush. I swapped out the EAR for an Audia Flight Phono (SS) and I could not be happier. There is at least as much clarity in the midrange and sparkle in the treble and there is a little more bass focus (not impact/volume so much as just a greater tautness). But it is a lot, lot quieter.

Using an older Conrad Johnson PV9a into an mv55 amp. Use the Manley Chinook as the front end. Cannot tell you how great all 18 tubes sound together . The 2 jfets in the Manley are a compliment. Otherwise you would have humming transformers.
I've had a Primaluna HP Integrated with a Zesto Andros 1.2 phono stage and couldn't be happier.  If you can get a used Zesto, it is the best value in my opinion.  Best of luck.
Tubes of solid state, thats the question....
first: tubes are voltage amps, second: solidstate are current amplifiers.
Both are good, but the ouput transformers in tube amplfier do have there own characteristics. With other words, there is an influence on the sound; not bad, but it still is.
(think of the hysteresis of the electro magnetic field...)

Due to a lack of these transformers in solid state this "problem" does not occur.

Normaly a solid state amp will perform better then with tubes, but if you like the tube characteristics: just do it and have fun, that's where it is all about.

The Netherlands