Denafrips Terminator R2R Multibit, ultimate pcm redbook converter??

Maybe the ultimate PCM (RedBook) converter? Sure looks the goods.

Cheers George
I wonder if somebody has a list of the different R2R multibit dacs and maybe average price and or links.



Here in this Thread are Many Dacs listed...
Yes..i love this Chips combinated with a Tube Output stage.
Best Regards,

Had a couple of email exchanges with Soren Kristensen (aka Seokris) and he’s taking preorders for dac1541 or dac1421 (without balanced output). I thought for $825 it would be a great deal so my order is in. The 1541 version with balanced output is about $425 more and is almost ready to ship but 1421 might take another month or two. I’m in no rush and the closer to Christmas the better. They might even have a US distributer by then.

Note to self: Stop reading Audiogon before I go completely broke.

@kalali, but we managed to not let you go broke, if typical Audiogon wisdom prevailed you'd be shelling out for a TotalDac. My dilemma is to whether order the 1541 now, or wait a bit and order the Denafrips Venus...

To be honest, this is the first time I've ever considered buying a piece of gear sight unseen. The main reason I felt somewhat comfortable with the Soekris brand is their extensive experience in design and manufacturing of some highly sophisticated computer and networking equipment. I considered the lower end Denafrip Ares but the volume control - supposedly well implemented, in Soekris gave me a justification to repurpose the funding I had set aside for a (tube) preamp to this piece. I may change my mind depending on how well I can stomach the wait.