Denafrips Terminator R2R Multibit, ultimate pcm redbook converter??

Maybe the ultimate PCM (RedBook) converter? Sure looks the goods.

Cheers George
@kalali, but we managed to not let you go broke, if typical Audiogon wisdom prevailed you'd be shelling out for a TotalDac. My dilemma is to whether order the 1541 now, or wait a bit and order the Denafrips Venus...

To be honest, this is the first time I've ever considered buying a piece of gear sight unseen. The main reason I felt somewhat comfortable with the Soekris brand is their extensive experience in design and manufacturing of some highly sophisticated computer and networking equipment. I considered the lower end Denafrip Ares but the volume control - supposedly well implemented, in Soekris gave me a justification to repurpose the funding I had set aside for a (tube) preamp to this piece. I may change my mind depending on how well I can stomach the wait.

Note to self: Stop reading Audiogon before I go completely broke.
The problem being is our inner audio monkey keeps getting touched in a way that makes it happy, so.....

Right in the core reptilian brain area where sex and addictions and neural re-wiring takes place.

And the audio argument is born. As big as an angry and excitable house built out of flaming dynamite.

Note to self: Stop reading Audiogon before I go completely broke.

Don't worry we will help you spend your money.

The 1541 or 1421 look darn good for the money.

I'm on the hunt for a good R2R dac on a budget for a friend of mine, don't know what we will end up.
I'm kinda overwhelmed with all the choices out there.

Best of luck to you,
