Preamps with two main-outs

Question for folks with two separate stereo amps driven by a single preamp. My preamp has two main outputs feeding two separate amps - one stereo and one pair of monoblocks, driving two pairs of speakers in two different rooms. Is it normal to need to turn on all the amplifiers to play any music? In other words, I can't just turn on my stereo amp to listen to music in one room. Its all or nothing. Fortunately the mono amps (MC2200) have volume control and I can turn them all the way down but can't do that for the stereo amp for the speakers in the other room. I was wondering if this is normal for all preamps with multiple pre-outs or its dependent on a particular preamp model. If it matters, the preamp is a NAD C165BEE. Thanks.

P.S. The second main-out has a little knob for gain control but its on the back of the preamp next to the ports and not practical to use for this purpose.

Onhwy61, I hereby nominate you for today’s edition of the Wolf_Garcia Award for most amusing post of the day.

I must, however, respectfully disagree with my learned A’gon colleagues who posted above. Kalali, while I’m not certain if what you have described is or is not normal for your particular equipment, it is certainly **very** unusual. The only explanation I can think of is the possibility that the amps short their inputs when turned off, perhaps via a relay. Which would be very unusual, and furthermore I looked at the manual for the MC2200 (as well as the manual for the NAD preamp), and I see nothing that is supportive of that explanation. So I’m baffled.

Best regards,
-- Al

I too am baffled.  My Mac C100 has two outs which I use for biamping and if I power down one set of amps the other keeps working.  There is no separate control for individual outputs, both are always going.


I guess ignorance is a bliss as I was disappointed that this behavior was normal, albeit my intuition seemed unconvinced. I'll double check my connections to make sure I didn't miss something obvious.

Thanks gentleman for providing the counter argument. 

What I would do is disconnect the ic going to the amp/speakers not wishing to be heard, at the pre-amp end.
Interesting the stated effect...having to run both or nothing...

I run outputs from my sources (TT thru a phono eq, the 'puter, CD, tapes) into a matrix which goes directly either into the main input of an amp and/or to a receivers' tape in.  Sometimes an outboard eq gets 'looped in' via the matrix for input level control and/or eq, depending on the source.

This routine cares less whether both or either are running.. there's a slight drop in input level if both are running, but it's nominal....

Maybe I'm just lucky, or I'm not experiencing the 'feedback' that onhwy61 notes...any thoughts on how this works vs. the OP's state?