Can upgraded power cords help my setup?

I have some KEF LS50 Wireless speakers and decided to use them with a Bluesound Node 2 via a Lifatec optical cable. Can I see a significant and worthy improvement if I swap out my power cords for something like Pangea cords? Do I need the AC 9SE MKII on the speakers or will the AC 14SE MKII be good for each speaker and also the Node 2 (C7?)? Power cords seem to be the only place left for me to tweak the most out of my setup.

Thanks for any input.
Asahitoro, many of those who have posted above have tried to offer helpful suggestions based largely on experiences with their own systems. Some have also advocated one way or the other based on what I would classify as generalities, the applicability of which is doubtful given the pretty much unique nature of your speakers. Each speaker containing two drivers and two different class D power amplifiers, with an A/D converter, a D/A converter, numerous digital interfaces, an analog interface, sophisticated digital signal processing, and preamp functionality also being incorporated. Not to mention that AC line voltage and noise conditions vary considerably among different locations.

So with due respect to the others, I would not assume that what has been said has much if any applicability to these particular speakers, at your particular location and in your particular setup. What I would suggest that you do, if you already haven’t, is some Googling to see if anyone has reported trying upgraded power cords with the wireless LS50. And beyond that, as some have suggested just try a pair of cords, or perhaps two pairs, that you can either return or sell with minimal or no loss if they don’t help.

Good luck. Regards,
-- Al

Hi Al,

Great post as usual. Why do you (perhaps) think that upgrading the power cables to the "wireless" LS50’s with internal amplifiers and 6’5 foot power cords would have less benefit than other applications?

Totally agree that the OP (or anyone else) should first try some power cables with the option to return for refund if they don’t provide the improvement he is looking for. The whole point is to try and then decide!

Best to you Al,

Upgrade my speaker wire??? Ugh. Do you understand my application?

I think moebuster nailed it. I appreciate everyone’s input and I’m going to try some inexpensive power cords (Pangea or Signal Cable). I like the fact that my Class D amps would be fine going with an upgraded 14awg.  That will save a bit.  My setup isn’t that complex. It’s the two wireless speakers and a Node 2. I have been Googling and searching for others that have attempted this and haven’t found any helpful info. I got a good deal on the KEFs and the Node 2 so I’m only looking to put about $250ish max in cords if I can see a benefit over the supplied cords.

Now, I just need to figure out do I go optical digital or analog out of the Node 2 so I can get full MQA?
Try it with some with a free trial, so you aren't out much $ if they don't work out or justify their expense.  Especially from those with a free trial AND also suggest in their advertising that power cords will change your life.

Your peace of mind to know whether it actually perceptibly helps in your particular situation is probably worth the few bucks it will cost to find out.

Either way, your real-world experience and opinion might help guide the next person.