Speakers to hang on to for LIFE

After 9 years with my Proac Response 3s, I recently decided to change speakers. As you can tell, I'm not an upgrade fever patient. I want something I can live with for years & I think the best advice I'm gonna get will be from those who have & are still living with their speakers for an extended period of time. Please tell me why too. Thanks.Bob.
the best laid plans.....when i say 'east coast' i guess what i'm refering to is a flat response from top to bottom. no exageration of any one frequency. someone has a pair of limited 3.'s on the gon right now. one thing that i've noticed over the years with acoustic suspension designs is they are not fussy about electronics. Most of the AR alumni(a laundry list of great designers) believed that a well designed pair of loudspeakers would give one the flexibility of spending less on other components and still obtain true high fidelity. imagine a group of brilliant audiophiles concerned about people spending too much. its a plot for a science fiction movie.
Very proud to share my admiration for the Piega C-10 Limiteds....I've had them here at the Love Shack for only 6 months, but they've been 6 SMILING months.. Kind of a Raquel Welch, (in her days/present)speaker seduction each evening. I believe the C-10 ltds are an Alien being :-) brent
CROWN ES224 and/or CROWN ES212, whether made by CROWN or RTR.
I'm trying to "keep them going". May have to replace panels and power supply to one or two 224's. Fortunately I put these parts away some time ago.

I keep looking for more, bu, sadly,t there aren't many out there. Though recently ebay had a pair of 212's (in Australia).
I've had my Synthesis LM260s since about 1989. With each upgrade in electronics, they sound better & better. Why I like 'em: smooth, natural, lots of detail and timbre on voices & instruments, non-fussy in terms of placement, soundstage extends beyond the speakers, can listen to all day, every day, low volumes & high volumes equally enjoyable and more. Every time the upgrade bug bites, what I've heard at and above my price range (about $5k and chiefly Dynaudio, B&W and the Krell LATs) comes up short. Generally, the sound is more etched, narrower soundstage and more like listening to speakers and recordings of music than actual music. While I haven't heard many of the speakers talked about here, the only speakers I recall hearing at a sane (to me) price were Quads. All the virtues of the Synthesis, plus more detail on individual instruments and soundstage.