Pioneer sx-636 vintage reciever?

I found a vintage pioneer sx-636 receiver for $40. Is this a good deal and how good is the phono?

It might be worth it to rebuild if you are a collector of old receivers, speakers and such. I myself have several old Sansui, Marantz, and Pioneer receivers that I like to swap in and out of my basement vintage system, along with various old speakers such as Pioneer, Dahlquist, EPI, University, Yamaha, Wharfedale, Infinity, Bose, etc. It's fun to listen to different setups while I work on my latest project - and all of the above have been (or will be) projects at one time or another. The most I paid for any of them was $50 (plus whatever it took to fix them up).
I don't fool myself that I will be able to reap huge profits by selling them, though. I always feel a little guilty selling any of them, actually - it's like selling my kids.
The 636SX was my first receiver (along with EPI speakers and a Dual turntable) back in 1979.

$40 for a 40 year old receiver that is working ok is fine, just don't expect the world from it.  It was the lower mid end receiver in the Pioneer back then, so its performance was acceptable for the price I paid, but once I upgraded to Adcom equipment a number of years later, the comparison between the two wasn't even close.

Think of it as a hobby piece.  If I had one today, it would use it in a bedroom system.  

I have the SX680 model, bought new back when... Used it daily for years and still have it. They are solid. The only word of caution I have for you is the controls get "scratchy" over time. Turn the volume and balance controls while listening and make sure they are quiet. They can be cleaned but its hit or miss. Other than that they are very reliable.  

$40 now days they're sold for parts. if it's working, it's great deal.

the serviced units I've sold for $175.

it has very worm balanced sound and does not run hot. also it's very nice looking as well when lights work.

i had the sx-737, which i believe is the same series/year, and it was freakishly good sounding, much more natural sounding than some of my pricier kenwood, sansui and marantz of the same era. i sold it on impulse to a friend and regretted doing so.