Most Beautiful Receiver / Integrated - Ever was... ?

Time for what I hope is another fun thread. Please include links if you can.

I'm curious to everyone what you think the hottest/sexiest most interesting integrated or receiver ever was. For me, brands like these would probably be in the running:

  • Carver
  • Kyocera
  • Tandberg
  • Revox (old)

It didn't have to work, or sound good. Just had to do it for you in the looks department.
Hi 2Channel8,

I will leave that to a turntable person, which I am not. :) I don't think you have to be well known to start a fun thread, just do it in the spirit of engaging rather than criticizing and I think you'll succeed.

Find a key aspect about them you love like say, 1980's turntables, or P-mounted or something and others will join in.

Good luck!

Eric and other interested parties, I don’t think it really uses Hypex modules. If I understand Primare uses (or claims to use) proprietary UFPD modules that the reviewer feels sound more similar to Hypex than ICE.

They have now developed an UFPD 2 and will release an I35.
RE: the turntable thread, I thought you were an Oracle owner?


My mistake. I misread and got confused by the test reports calling the performance "closer to the Hypex UcD modules"

Interesting that Hi Fi News seems to be paying close attention to the performance of different digital amp modules. I should subscribe.
