Focal Sopra 2 vs Sopra 3?

Has anyone compared side by side? If so what were the differences?

It's interesting to see the contrast in opinion on the Sopras. I'm personally listening to the 2's right now and find them to be as close to suiting my tastes as I've heard from any speaker, regardless of price. I completely agree though that the room is an extremely critical component in any system. I find the Sopra 2's to be a bit dark and romantic in my system - which is intentional. They're being driven very successfully by a Pass XA 30.5 (which says something about their efficiency). The preamp is an Aikido Octal dual-mono 6SN7 which I put together and my source is streaming (mostly Tidal) through a Rega Saturn R. The Saturn does a great job of getting timing right and everything downstream - including the Sopras -   follow suit very well. I think the tweeter adds a slight amount of energy up top which suits my system and preferences nicely. The slight added energy falls above the range (2-3K Hz to my ears) that can cause a system to sound bright or analytical and plays out as a little "air" on top. My system is cabled entirely with Audience's new (and very good) AU24SX cable.

For an extremely large room I wouldn't doubt that the 3's would be the better choice. But I find the 2's to work extremely well in a variety of more difficult environments. The bass is a bit more "manageable" and nimble to me. Where the 3's will just have too much in certain rooms, the 2's are easy to work with and very light on their feet while still maintaining a great deal of weight and impact. It you're interested in lower power (as I am), I think the 2 will play more nicely with tubes or in my case, 30WPC Class A SS. I listen relatively close to the 2's and they never punish me for that at all. I wouldn't say that they're the be-all-end-all in imaging and sound staging in my small room but I suspect they'd improve in a larger room and while I value those qualities, overall tonal balance and enjoyment is more important. I haven't spent a lot of time with the 1's but against say, the SF Olympica 3's, the Sopra's are far more forgiving of amplifier matching and room placement. While there were times I really loved the Olympica 3's, I think the Sopra 2's do more things better and, aesthetic preferences not withstanding, are an overall easier speaker to live with.

In full disclosure, I'm a dealer, though mostly CI and work with Focal, among other hifi products. I've spent time with Magico, B&W, Sonus Faber, Vienna and more and when I first came across the Sopra 2's I found their value to be unique. My first question to the rep was to whether they were made in China, which they're not. I'll qualify this by saying that HiFi skews the use of the term value, but within the context, I don't think there's a way to get more for your dollar than with the Sopra 2.
You're a dealer so in my opinion your last paragraph should have been your first. 
I've listened to the Sopra 2's several times and just don't prefer their sound. 
I heard the Sopra 2 at a local dealer using Sim Audio electronics. Very well integrated soundstage, effortless speed and dynamics, good slam through the midbass.  But the high frequencies, while not bright per se, had an intensity to my ears which might preclude long term satisfaction.  Home audition before purchase Is recommended, as usual.
I purchased a pair of Sopra No2's since they first came into the U.S.  I drive them with a McIntosh C2500 tube preamp and McIntosh MC452 power amp, what I auditioned them with before placing the order.

While I was waiting for the Sopra's to arrive I heard them being driven by an 80 watt integrated (can't remember which one) in a small room, and I didn't like the shrillness and lack of sound stage and impact.

Mine are in a 24x26 "man cave", with a pair of JL Audio F113V2 sub woofers, with 10 bass traps strategically installed (to combat the bass resonances the room produced).

After owning the Sopra's for about six months, they seemed to "relax" some.  I am completely satisfied with the setup and though I typically have the hots to listen to other components, this is not the case with the Sopra's.

I have no experience with the Sopra No3's, I believe they use the same tweeter and midrange, and a pair of larger woofers.  In either case, after you get them "dialed in" to the room and the other components, I suspect you'll be happy with either Sopra model!