Thiel Owners


I just scored a sweet pair of CS 2.4SE loudspeakers. Anyone else currently or previously owned this model?
Owners of the CS 2.4 or CS 2.7 are free to chime in as well. Thiel are excellent w/ both tubed or solid-state gear!

Keep me posted & Happy Listening!
I'm in no hurry, nkonor.  (That's the nice thing about owning them to test out, vs a limited home audition with one of them).

Keeping both is an option, but one I'm trying to resist.  I tend to like one aspect of a speaker over another and not want to part with it for that reason, hence I build up a collection of speakers that have to be culled at some point. 

At this point the only other speaker in the running (for which I had a home audition) is the Joseph Audio Perspectives.   Given I'm looking for "smaller size profile with great aesthetics and great sound" the Perspectives fit that bill.  But they are incredibly expensive relative to these second hand 2.7s.

But I do want to try to end up with a pair of the Perspectives at some point, money-willing.  Neither the Perspectives nor the 2.7 give the scale of sound I get from the 3.7s so I may end up with a 2 speaker solution (e.g. maybe the 3.7s and the Perspectives, or the 2.7s and the Perspectives...I dunno...)

It would all be a lot easier if these Thiel designs weren't gone and hence scarce on the used market now.  That puts a lot more pressure on my decision, as you know.

BTW, best wishes for whatever health issue you are dealing with!
Scarce and Beautiful Condition; would concern me on the future used market.

Which pair exhibit more "continuousness" together?

Full range / Full size ; There is no substitute.

A great small speaker remains so IMO.

DIY like Ivan is not my cup of tea.

Just my thoughts.

I just succeeded in outbidding a few other folks on the site for a pair of original owner CS3.5's. 

I actually had no idea my bid would be the highest and was shocked that I wasn't outbid. 

Frankly speaking, I've stolen them. If there's another local NYer reading this thread I will part with them for what I paid which is absurdly below their true worth, provided they're picked up. 

Truly amazing speakers - astounding at this price.  

I'm keeping my 3.6's and seeking new amp/preamp combo. While my Simaudio is a very good piece I feel it cannot showcase what the 3.6's are capable of. 

Carry on.