cost of speakers in relation to the rest of the system

I don't intend this to be a "How much should I spend for speakers" question.  Seems a number of folks generally recommend a third to two-thirds.  My question is, generally for discussion, whether folks found happiness and "success" in spending significantly less than that.  Or--by price, are you happy with speakers that might be considered by some folks outclassed by your other equipment and don't think the speakers are the "weak link?"

As a "favorite" professor might have said too often, "Discuss."

I would think there would be a number of Maggie MMG/1.7 folks, Tekton DI folks, probably some Omega folks, some vintage speaker folks.... others?
The experience I've had, having owned many pairs of speakers (as I'm sure most here have), is that a well-engineered and great sounding loudspeaker can be obtained relatively affordably. Some examples are: Monitor Audio Silver, Wharfedale (certain models), Totem, B&W, Martin Logan (especially ESL), etc.

I've had my current speakers (Dynaudio Audience 82s) since 2004 and they've never disappointed me. At my system's best I had a Pass Labs X250.5 in front of my Dyn's, and I was stunned how well they played together.

That experience greatly impacted my perception of how much quality could be attained in speaker reproduction at $2500/pr, since the amp was 4x higher in cost than my speakers. Almost any audiophile I know would call that match-up a no-no; my experience, however, disagrees with the conventional wisdom. My Dyns truly got out of the way and let the openness, transparency, warmth, command, and finesse of the Pass amp come through effortlessly.

I guess my philosophy more than anything is system synergy, not price points, whether discussing speakers or anything else in the chain.

Current System:

Dynaudio Audience 82s
B&K Ref 50 and ST 125.2 amp
Cambridge Audio Dacmagic and Jolida FX Tube Dac
XBOX One for Blu-Ray
APC S10 

At $5500, my restored ESL’s are the least expensive component in my system, where the other end is the five times more expensive Kuzma Stabi M/4Point.
My current setup is 90% on speakers.

The setup in my new house with semi-dedicated room will be 90+% speakers/room treatments.

I think you and I are of the same school of thought. It may not be the norm to put obscenely capable amplification behind a pair of speakers, but it certainly pays dividends. I'm not soaked in cash, but I want the best I can possibly afford and the only way I was ever going to own 75 watts of Pass amp was to build the thing and I'm not at all sorry I did. Focal 936's are very decent speakers, but there's certainly much better. But who's putting an amp like this behind them and really exploiting what they can do to their fullest potential? 
It's a work in progress. I'm really happy with the results so far and I'm eager to see how much better I can make it. 
I've never subscribed to any sort of "ratio" when it comes to complementing my amp/preamp or integrated setup, but retrospect relates that I've spent far less on speakers than the aforementioned equipment. 

Then again, I've been fortunate enough to purchase various Thiel models used, a couple Von Schweikerts, and more than a few others which were obtained at fractions of their original selling prices. Which, if calculated at their original prices more or less has me on par with my amps, etc. 

I like Thiel first and foremost, followed by Magnepan, Usher, Von Schweikert, Totem, and Dynaudio. Some were expensive , some were not - my wheelhouse thus far has been around $4000 for new models, and I think once you hit this mark the rewards diminish precipitously. 
Does a $10,000 speaker best a $3000 speaker?  Maybe. Perhaps. But the performance increase - real or imagined - comes in much smaller increments as you move up the ladder. 

Given their relatively small footprint Totem speakers are pretty damn amazing. Same can be said for Maggies - albeit with a larger physical impression. For me, it's Legacy Thiel. 

Don't fall into a trap with a ratio. There are truly so many very good speakers to be had out there that price alone cannot introduce you to.