Antipodes DS GT versus Bryston BDP2

I sold my BDP2 and replaced it with the Antipodes DS GT. My initial thoughts were I wanted something that had storage, a CD ripper, and the same sound quality. What I discovered was, the sound is a noticeable step up...I don't know if it's because Roon is so much better than Mpad that I was using with the BDP2 or the DS GT is just much better? The good news is even on Tidal, music sounds like true CD quality, with the BDP2 I couldn't listen to Tidal without wanting to turn it off.
The bad news is, the DS GT takes a long time to rip CDs compared to my computer with DB Poweramp. In addition, the DS GT seems to have problems reading some disc. Finally Roon isn't intuitive and I'm having problems navigating through it. Just my thoughts!
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I compared the DS GT directly to the DX in my system. I prefer the DS GT. I wouldn't be surprised if Antipodes came out with a new DX with an external power supply soon.
Nice setup you have there stoney.

I have a Bakoon headphone amp and DAC-21.

If you add an audiophile switch like a waversa hub and grounding, those will yield massive improvements.

I would like to try the Antipodes GT, but unfortunately their prices are so high now, I would not buy it without an audition.
Thanks macdude! 

I just purchased the Bakoon DAC 21 and can't stop smiling at how this DAC sounds. I loved my LampizatOr Amber II and I not saying that the Bakoon is better. But now I am not inclined to climb the LampizatOr ladder as the Bakoon is a search ender for me. 

I will research the waversa hub and still wait on the gutwire ground.

Sounds like you have quite the system, as well. 

Regarding the Antipodes, I purchased the DXe initially and then had it upgraded to a DX. In both cases, I was well pleased with the Antipodes and obviously much more so with the DX. 

If you are into computer audio, I consider Antipodes products very good and the DX top shelf material. 

I also just replaced my LampizatOr Amber II with the Bakoon DAC 21. I'd be interested in your thoughts on that DAC. I am very pleased with what I am hearing.