Don Sach's pre amp

I know these are custom made tube pre amps I am debating on getting one any audiogon members who have this pre amp can they give me a feed back on these /
I guess, like Kevin Deal of Prima Luna /Upsacale audio claims in his Utube video's the Primaluna Pre-amps weigh more than other Pre-amps, made by other manufacturer's well ! having heard Don Sachs amp the choice was between Weight & Sound quality so I choice sound quality He He He !
at the same price point  not to say that prema Luna's are not good pre-amps, I have also heard good things about Rogue Audio RP-1 but have already ordered DS 2 in a Walnut case with upgraded caps , meanwhile I do have a VTA-SP-14( on loan from @whitestix that I am listening to in my system
I have also ordered Don Sachs Model 2 in Walnut and extra goodies; many praise this unit as a true reference sounding pre-amp and I'm looking forward on implementing in my system.

I can't comment on Don Sach's custom, but I built the VTA kit that is the starting point for his.
I couldn't be happier, & his can only be better!

Congratulations. a-shah, if possible, kindly please share your experience with a comparison between the VTA-SP14 and the Don Sach's Model2. These two and the Mapletree preamp(s) are on my short list of tube preamps when I get ready to pull the trigger. Won't be long.

What amplifier will you be pairing your preamp with?

P.S. If you don't mind me asking, how long is the wait time for Dan's preamp?

@kalali, wont have my DS 2 before November 2017, however a new found friend Via Audio circle spent a couple of hours with me,  he brought in his odyssey Candela pre-amp  for me to try with my Maggie 1.7i and the Kismet amplifier , sounded wonderful ! (this gentleman owns Tekton Double Impact speakers) after about an hour plus listening we switched back to the VTA-SP 14 , we were surprised by the Soundstage, Clarity and it certainly was not a step backwards ! the DS 2 is  supposed to sound about 30% to 40 % better , lets see what happens when I get my amplifier. but again DS 2 twice the price ! t