We've owned B&W speakers since late 80's

Hello everyone,  We bought B&W 802 matrix 3's and moved into surround sound.  So purchased rear 802 matrix3's and a HTM center speakers. Along with P.S.E. studio 4's until 2005, then changed over to P.S.E. studio 5's. We were pretty happy with it. The house caught fire.  In the asbestos removal they through away all the audio? Ive been looking around for a replacement system? Its like a new world out there! Any suggestions?????
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Glad you and your family made out safely. Objects can all be replaced sooner or later. In regards to your audio gear, your biggest loss will probably be your LPs. Those will be hard to replace. One suggestion; when rebuilding the house, consider in-wall wiring for the speaker cables and put jacks in places where your speakers might be ultimately located. You'll be happy later.
In Germany the Insurance companies must pay full replacement on every
loss by law . They are allowed no more than 5% yearly profit , still no shortage of them . Must be something in the water .