Current speaker threads are boring

Almost no talk regarding great speakers, just some endless midlevel stuff. Why is that?
There are mountains of relatively inexpensive gear designs that sound world class, and all you need to do is listen to things prove this point. Trust your ears…audio is certainly one place where the cost doesn't guaranty higher performance, and it's all relative anyway…finding audio bargains is more fun than simply plunking down piles of cash for the Berellium Mambo…get a good ukulele or a pair of $150 headphones…educate yourself…pay for my drink…something...
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Mapman...well said. *G*

I don't mind the 'esoterica', the 'bleeding edge' stuff, if it's Really an Agreed Upon Improvement.  But there's the rub....getting AUI on anything anymore seems improbable if not impossible.  We splinter into our camps of preference, dig in, and arm ourselves against the infidels.

If cost no object, hey, have at it.  Or run what you brung.  If it makes you smile...I was under the impression that was the idea.  Trading thoughts and opinions is good; delving into general huffiness over differences is not. 

Zip cord or 1K$ a foot.  Tubes vs. SS.  LP, CD, your favorite alphabet soup combination.  Mine vs. yours, and death to all that oppose us.

If you can't laugh at it all after awhile, MHO you're missing the point.  We're supposed to being having fun, Right?

It's a hobby, not a religion.

(Yes, Capt. Obvious has struck yet again with the *Huh?*Bomb.  Some of us are just renegades...)
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Hi Inna,
Could you define a "great speaker" ?
Is price or performance the qualifying criteria?
I agree with the idea that envy/jealousy are factors for "some" who are leery or dismissive of the more expensive range of audio products.

It can be pointed out on the other hand that there exists a snob appeal that has more to do with exclusivity and status obtained rather than genuine performance superiority. It seems to me that there are emotional and psychological aspects that play a role in perception of High End Audio besides purely objective parameters.

No surprise really when you you consider that we’re referring to the behavior and beliefs of human beings. There’re always multiple variables that will inevitably form a and shape ones perception concerning establishing a hierarchy or rating system.

I do believe that as listeners gain experience and exposure over a period of time they do develop a keener sense of value versus actual sonic performance/sound quality. As Wolf Garcia noted with increased experience it is quite possible to find excellent sounding products that are reasonably affordable and not out of reach. IMO price/performance isn't always a linear relationship. 

I think this is good news if one’s objective is to achieve high quality music reproduction in their home audio system. Inna I do feel that Whatsbestforum is a site that you’d likely enjoy given your initial post.