Gryphon Diablo 300: at the top of Integrated Amps?

Is there any other amps I can look into that sound as good or more preferred to Gryphon's Diablo 300? 

I can think of two while I am writing this:
- Devialet 1000 Pro
- McIntosh MA9000

I appreciate getting feedback of people who heard/compared them. 

Hi Sunny,

Would love to hear the T+A HV series integrated and CD/DAC powering the Sabrina's at your next get together in November.

Agree that the ARC GSi75 is a very good sounding integrated.
There has been no mention of the Vitus SIA 025, which in my opinion is the best solid state integrated made.  A dealer friend of mine was looking to pick up either the Gryphon or Vitus lines, listened to them and chose VItus based on a wonderful, real, organic sound quality. Never listened to the Ypsilon, so can't comment . . . .

Also no mention of the stunning Absolare hybrid product. Speaking of hybrids, i own the Pathos Inpol2 pure class A with tube input stage and MOSFET output. Stunning sound quality, but a notch below the Vitus. You can buy Patho's flagship integrated brand new for ~$13k (or buy mine when i list it in another month, perfect condition, for under $4k!)

Why am i selling the Pathos?  Only because i had David Berning build me his push/pull 300B fully balanced, class A ZOTL amp with integrated stepped attenuator volume control.  This is the ultimate "integrated" if you only have a single source and SQ is your bottom line!
Ckeck out the Ming Da KT 150 tube intergrated amp , Plenty of power , speed, and detailed . Rest of your money lease the new Benz 250 CLA