Oppo UDP - 205

A bigger transformer translates to bigger magnetic fields and more vibration and since the big transformer is bolted to the chassis, guess what? That’s right, worse sound! And magnetic fields are not (rpt not) exactly good for the sound, either. I'm not hot dogging you. I had the supremely modded Oppo 103 including the OPPOMOD linear power supply LPS that included, you guessed it, the honking big transformer and a whole slew of capacitors.
It's a significant and instant improvement. Transient performance is better overall but especially noticeable on the bottom end, better definition. Better low level resolution. It's quieter. The level of improvement is well worth the cost imo. Keep in mind even without this mod the 205 is remarkably better than the 95 which the 105 really did not improve upon much from what I've read. That's why I didn't bother upgrading to the 105. But this is a different animal. There's a relatively simple mod to the inboard dac being offered at DIY consisting of replacing some electrolytics to oscon and adding Wima coupling caps to block any dc getting in the signal path

Thx - quality transformers are spendy so it seems likely a co. would economize there

too bad Oppo doesn't offer a "Plus" version for $250 more
I suspect they deliberately leave an open door for those of us who like to build on the design. Covers a larger market that way.
Yesterday I watched the movie "The Resident Evil- Final Chapter" and wow there was some fantastic dynamic  surround sounds.

Today for the first time I started listening to the Oppo 205 via 2 channel with the upgraded power supply.
First impression; definitely a stronger bass presentation and a wide stereo separation. I only have about 20 hours of playing time with the mod so we shall see how it develops.
