Ugly vs Gogeous speakers

I know speakers should be all about sound but I can't help responding to the look as well and this presents me with a dilemma.

I have owned B&W Nautilus 803's for many years and love the sound and value (excellent sound for reasonable cost). I would love to upgrade but I (and wife) think that the retro Star Wars R2D2 looking speaker (802) is nothing we would have in our living space.

What do others think the best looking / sounding speaker is? Do looks matter to you?

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I agree with Shadorne. The Vivid speakers do have a certain organic soft fecal character to their shape. 
gdhal...that's the most apt comment posted so far.  Congrats on cutting to the chase. ;) *5's*
The Vivid Giya looks fantastic in my room and sounds even better,but thats just my opinion as I'm done with box speakers made of mdf.
Ugly is ok, but it has to be a gorgeous form of ugly.  ;) 

I have found surprisingly little correlation between the appearance of speakers and their absolute performance. I find most claims of purportedly better performance while skimping on aesthetics to be tenuous. 

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