Synergistic Red Fuse ...

I installed a SR RED Quantum fuse in my ARC REF-3 preamp a few days ago, replacing an older high end fuse. Uhh ... for a hundred bucks, this little baby is well worth the cost. There was an immediate improvement upon installation, but now that its broken in (yes, no kidding), its quite remarkable. A tightening of the focus, a more solid image, and most important of all for my tastes, a deeper appreciation for the organic sound of the instruments. Damn! ... cellos sound great! Much improved attack on pianos. More humanistic on vocals. Bowed bass goes down forever. Next move? .... I'm doing the entire system with these fuses. One at a time though just to gauge the improvement in each piece of equipment. The REF-75se comes next. I'll report the results as the progression takes place. Stay tuned ...

Any comments from anyone else who has tried these fuses?
I continue find some of the descriptions of the degree of improvement that "special" fuses provide in the systems of the proponents of these things unbelievable, especially since a new round of claims of MORE wonderfulness is begat by the New Blues. It’s a FUSE (a safety related device that’s supposed to MELT if need be), and until some rational explanation is provided as to WHY and HOW these things "massage the juice" before it runs through the power supplies and all the other caps, resistors, transformers, rectifiers, tubes, transistors and every other part of an audio component’s circuits, I’ll continue to hold the opinion I’ve had since doing my own little test of the black version of these things…they’re a silly and possibly dangerous (sketchy fuse ratings) waste of time and money when compared to less precious (like ultra reliable way less expensive Littelfuse products) "standard" fuses. Unbelievable.

And despite being a "waste of time," you are still in this thread. 🙄

All of the information needed to understand audiophile fuses is out there. It is just either going over your head, or going in one "ear" and out the other. It’s time for you to do further reading, as until you have that "ah hah" moment as to the reasoning, even someone explaining things to you with kiddie gloves will be lost on you.
Jay23 ...

With respect, I'm not trying to lump you into any group. Here in my place, the performers sound like they are in the room ... at least to my ears. I've used the phraseology "in the room" for many years to describe what I hear. Are they actually in the room?  No. Have I actually been transported into the recording venue? No. But then there are the times when I kick back and close my eyes ... :-)

It behooves us all to remember that this hobby is supposed to be about fun. 

As far as my writing being "transparent," what exactly does it "indicate" to you? 

When you get the new BLUE fuse, please post your results here. Thanks ...

And despite being a "waste of time," you are still in this thread. 🙄

He's for the same reason as Al and others are, to give honest technical views to the gullible who may be sucked into this snake oil/voodoo.
EG: picking up 3-4v of mains voltage, this is laughable, as are other improvement statements.
Cheers George
Jay23 ...

With respect, I'm not trying to lump you into any group. Here in my place, the performers sound like they are in the room ... at least to my ears. I've used the phraseology "in the room" for many years to describe what I hear. Are they actually in the room? No. Have I actually been transported into the recording venue? No. But then there are the times when I kick back and close my eyes ... :-)

It behooves us all to remember that this hobby is supposed to be about fun.

As far as my writing being "transparent," what exactly does it "indicate" to you?

When you get the new BLUE fuse, please post your results here. Thanks ...


I did not say your writing is transparent. What you've written indicates to me that the Blue fuse is less transparent than the Black, while reducing more distortion. It appears that the low level highs have been removed along with the noise. The loss of low level ambient cues will create more of an "in the room" sound.

There's nothing wrong with this. Many prefer it. It's just like how when highs are cut in level, psychoacoustics deems that objects will sound further from you. This may be preferred by a group of people, but it is a coloration. This doesn't make the audio products that do this lesser, just less accurate. For those that love it, those products could be their holy grail.

To put it another way, sugar can be put on a piece of fruit. Some will say it's more delicious and sweeter. This doesn't make it more natural. Better or worse? That's up to the individual.

Hopefully the Blues end up being more transparent. I will see... 😎

And despite being a "waste of time," you are still in this thread. 🙄

To which georgehifi replied,

"He’s for the same reason as Al and others are, to give honest technical views to the gullible who may be sucked into this snake oil/voodoo."

Gosh, you mean like Catcher in the Rye? That’s no <sniff> touching. 😩 Let’s drink to the hard working gatekeepers. 🍻 Sniff sniff