Always long for (upgraded) first love: Sonic Frontiers Line 3

I wonder where I can get a decent condition Line 3 and is it worth it compared to preowned newer ones at the same price range. About twenty years ago, I had my first tube preamp which was SF SFL-2/Krell combo and I loved the combination. It’s just the overengineered, neutral (to me), and transparent sound and clean design that I like about it.
Sure, I love the CAT preamp which has similar sonic characteristics (IMO) very very much and can find them in good condition every now and then but then again it was a first love thing with SF....
@ randy-11

well, I have a Line One & replaced it with an ARC LS25 Mk II, but not sure I want to sell it - it may become part of a bedroom system

but you might consider finding a One and modifying the P/S to get a 3
The Line 3 has a completely different circuit compared to the Line 1
Perfect time for my dilemma: with the same amount of money, will I get a better sound quality and/or reliability from say less than 10 year-old tube preamp (putting memorabilia aside for a minute)? Although price is not very cheap for 20 year-old gear, it's not unreasonable either.
So the OP Mentioned BAT, as well as the Sonic Frontiers 3.

Is BAT still in business? They seem to be legendary, but keep a very low profile online.

Wondering if anyone can give me an idea of affordable used BAT vs. SF 3 and how they sound.


p/sis different not sure what else he means

g-ear - at 20 years old the electrolytic caps may be ready to fail - so add that cost in
CAT appears to be in business still. I had extensively listened to both (sfl2 and CAT SL1 reference) although long time ago. Both lacked the characteristic of slow, fat, overly warm tube sound but maintained the glorious mid and upper octave with great sparkles. CAT has a legendary phono section. SF doesn't. Imo, bass was well controlled and deep with SF to my liking more than CAT. I read the review saying Line 3 is a significant step up from sfl2