I have joined in the ZYX Family

Funny how change comes about. I’ve been intending to get a tube preamp for years 10-12 years. Instead, I got a tube amp which sounds great. . Tube amp with SS preamp sounds GREAT. FWIW, the SS Preamp was a Stereophile Class A Conrad Johnson PFR. So, its not like I was shooting in the dark. The PFR is a really good preamp. And the Bob Latino ST-70 seems to be a great fit along with the Silverline Sonatas. So I set out to get my turntable up to its optimum. I have a Teres 340 which has an Origin Live Illustrious 3 with Benz Ebony L cartridge. I put the OL Illustrious on it as a temporary arm. I figured the Teres deserved much better. But Maybe I am wrong. It sounds great. However, being an audiophile, I can’t leave it alone. So I set out to get a new tonearm worthy of the Teres 340. But then someone reminds me that a cartridge will make more difference than a tonearm upgrade, especially since the tonearm is a pretty good one. . So I consider the idea and come across a ZYX 4D for a good price. Thank you Raulirigueus(sp) for the idea. In the process, I saved some $$$ too. I’ve wanted a ZYX for quite some time. NOW, I see what all the fuss is about. This cartridge is fabulous. Next up is to clean the electric. Oneac seems to be a good way to go. But, who knows. My plans often go sideways. But I’ve really made some big steps forward thanks to some good advice and the good Lord above who over rules my ignorance. FWIW I often pity those who miss the beauty of good music. I love it. Thanks for your help along the way.
Lew. I was shocked at the lack of hours on my Benz. My post above shows how I tracked the time. So, yes, 2000 hrs is quite a long time. I don't play for hours every day. But I listen to my fair share of vinyl and yet my cartridge has at the most 350 -400 hrs in about 6 years. 
Even if you do pay $2500 for a re-tip after 2000 hours, think of it as about a dollar per hour of enjoyment.  That's cheap fun, compared to theater, movies, live music performances.  

maybe,if it's not accidentally bent earlier, and then the fun is over

Nobody mentioned the problem with suspension. According to

Axel the suspension is as bad as by EMT. Because the body is

glued together acrylic the retipper need to cut the cart to reach

the generator. Axel was willing to do this for me  as friend but I

 am not sure if other retippers will do such job. So the worry

about stylus is not sufficient...

I had the same problem with my Sony XL 88 D. Nobody was

willing to mess with this cart because the body was also glued

together plastic. Aka no access to the generator . BTW Axel

also retipped my ZYX  with new (boron) cantilver and ''nude Shibata''.

According to chakster new models can't be retipped dismissing

my cart (Airy 3) as ''old iron'' but to me this cart sounds very good.

I hope Axel's suspension is better than the original .

Chakster, You gotta be more optimistic than that.  Otherwise, why get out of bed?  Anyway, you've changed your argument from wear to tear.  Privately, I was thinking that 2000 hours is a long time for an MC stylus to last, even under the best conditions.  But even if it ends up costing two or three (US) dollars per hour to run a ZYX, it's still cheap fun.  

My wife and I went out to hear live music this weekend, two nights in a row, one night at the Kennedy Center for a Thelonius Monk Centennial tribute.  Total expenditure was about $250.
Lew, i was not so lucky with my second ZYX, it was purchased new, but accidentally i ended with broken cantilever, i avoided the very kind offer to pay again the price that is very close to the new ZYX cartridge. This is definitely not my price category to pay to listen to my records. But it motivated me to start searching for a better or close cartridges for lower price to enjoy my music on another level or joy. My rare Glanz MF-61 is better than ZYX Premium 4D (to my ears) for 1/10 of the ZYX price and this is only one example. The most expensive cartridges is not panacea.

My "cheap fun" was in St.Petersburg Philharmonia when i used to works there long time ago. There was a short distance from my cabinet to the balcony of the concert hall throught the secret door any time i want to listen how they are performing Stravinsky or Shostakovich. Good times. 

I wish i could check Thelonius Monk tribute, but for $250 i would buy plane ticket to a warmer place.