Burn In on Aurender N100H

I just acquired an Aurender N100H.  It replaces a Sonos Connect modified by Wyrd4Sound.  After installation, I noticed a very "digital" sound and a lot more noise than I'd been familiar with while listening to the modded Connect.  The modded Connect was connected to my Schiit Audio Gumby via Digital Coax.  Aurender can only connect via USB.
How long do I need to burn this in to get a sense of the quality of the Aurender?  I have a 60-day return policy and if this unit doesn't improve exponentially it is going back.  I would appreciate hearing from anyone with a similar experience and how things worked out.
Also, any advice on the best USB cable for the connection between the Aurender and Gumby?
The N100h is an excellent streamer, been enjoying mine for over a year.  I recenly replaced an AQ coffee USB cable with the Statement cable from http://audiosensibility.com/blog/products-2/digital-cables-occ-copper-and-occ-silver/
Very nice cable, it didn't change the sound signature and just boosted the details and clarity.  Similar to curious, they separate the power and data.  The data is sent through the silver occ conductors and the power is sent through the occ cooper conductors.  If you haven't had a chance to use occ cooper/silver cables, they are a big step up from your normal OFC based cables.  I also changed out the power cable with an occ power cable from audio sensibility and they was a nice change as well.  I agree with the comments that the n100h is sensitive to cable changes but find the right ones and you will be rewarded.
Thanks everyone for the great feedback.  I've been burning in the N100H over the past week and have to say that it is sounding better and better.  I just got the Curious Cable in the mail yesterday and replaced the Supra.  A major improvement with only a few hours on it.  I think this is working out nicely.  I may consider the ISO REGEN and its power supply, but I'll wait a while.  
Hi pg62,

So glad you are warming up to the N100H and like the Curious USB cable.

Don't assume that the ISO Regen will improve your sound. It did not for me. Once you have a clean source like the N100H, it depends on your DAC IMO. Many others really like it in other setups, so YMMV.

I agree with Dave. A good USB cable and a decent dac and N100H should offer great quality sound. Enjoy!
I just acquired a 220v N100h cheap.  Anyone out there willing to take a pic of the internal connections to the transformer. It’s a dual core transformer so I’m looking to convert it to 115v. Just need to see the connection. Thanks in advance.