HEGEL - Is it really made in Norway ?

Not unlike Ayon, where it is just printed "Austria" and not "Made in Austria" (the usual and official terminology), are HEGEL products actually made and assembled in Norway or just "designed" in Norway and assembled somewhere in China?

I have tried getting a clear-cut answer from dealers with no success. Juste like for Ayon gear by the way.

Thanks if you can help.
I agree with @schubert. Just because it's made in China doesn't mean it's bad. They are fully capable of making the finest products. They will make whatever you want. 

The problem is not that Hegel is made in China. The problem is that they attempt to deceive customers by putting Norway on the back of their products, There is more deception than this going on at Hegel, IMO.
Here in Europe Hegel products get positive reviews.  Their equipment style and looks are in essence a 'Scandinavian' style of smart solid no nonsense minimilistic looks.  Nearly all reviews of their equipment have a common denominator in that how well its components are built and how a lot of thought has gone into their design.  A lot of the reviews all end stating their gear reaches heights above their budget.  However when someone drags out the fact that the gear is actually built in China that does place a downer on their label/perception. 
Personally I would rather have the Chinese build my audio gear vs the folks in Norway. The Chinese have a lot more experience in electronics. I also like the Hegel products from my experience listening to them at shows. Not sure how reliable they are since I never owned one.