Advantages of beryllium?

Can someone please explain the advantages of beryllium drivers over titanium or aluminum?

Also, how concerning are health risks associated with beryllium?

many thanks for your input. 
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Does seem one poster has no idea what a TAD driver is  and he seems to suggest vintage doesn't perform as well as modern I suggest he point me towards a BE equipped modern driver with better specs than a TAD? 
kosst :

Sounds way too much like work. Buy whatever you’d like to listen to, but I’ve never seen specs or heard a micro-motor tweet perform as well as mid-grade tweets from SB, ScanSpeak, Seas or even Peerless.

There is a popular ring radiator from ScanSpeak ScanSpeak Discovery R2604/8320 (and a relatively lesser Peerless variant) that has been used by Magico, YG, Krell and Sonus Faber. I put that tweeter against any micro motor tweeter I’ve ever heard.

Also, the ScanSpeak Be that is the basis for the current Magico Be/Graphene tweeter is also far better sounding and measuring.


Hi @johnk

My main speakers use the Mundorf AMT's.

I wouldn't call them the best... but I would call them among the very best. :)

Implementation and room matter a great deal too, but I absolutely agree they are among a small, stratified set of tweeters that should sit at the top of the hierarchy.

