Advantages of beryllium?

Can someone please explain the advantages of beryllium drivers over titanium or aluminum?

Also, how concerning are health risks associated with beryllium?

many thanks for your input. 
kosst :

Sounds way too much like work. Buy whatever you’d like to listen to, but I’ve never seen specs or heard a micro-motor tweet perform as well as mid-grade tweets from SB, ScanSpeak, Seas or even Peerless.

There is a popular ring radiator from ScanSpeak ScanSpeak Discovery R2604/8320 (and a relatively lesser Peerless variant) that has been used by Magico, YG, Krell and Sonus Faber. I put that tweeter against any micro motor tweeter I’ve ever heard.

Also, the ScanSpeak Be that is the basis for the current Magico Be/Graphene tweeter is also far better sounding and measuring.


Hi @johnk

My main speakers use the Mundorf AMT's.

I wouldn't call them the best... but I would call them among the very best. :)

Implementation and room matter a great deal too, but I absolutely agree they are among a small, stratified set of tweeters that should sit at the top of the hierarchy.


I heard TAD Be drivers in the mid 1980's. No way I could sit and listen to one then.

Maybe it was the electronics (Haffler) but ouch!



Which of you two smack talkers is going to explain to me exactly how ugly the decay plot of a Focal 936 is? 2 of these graphs are from $40,000 speakers, one is from a $109,000 speaker, and one is from a $4000 speaker. Help me, because I'm confused. I'm not exactly seeing the superiority in the silk dome and paper at least in terms of measurements. Looks to me like that Al-Mg micro-motor inverted dome is holding it's own a bit better than the silk and Be. In fact, it looks like you can blow WAY more money on speakers and get much less impressive measurements. Shadorne is up there whining about 5 small 1.5ms decays. That $109,000 Wilson is pretty much averaging 1.5ms decays all the way up to those TWO nasty spikes around 15kHz. 
So Erik, I did the homework you couldn't/wouldn't do. I just randomly picked some of the best reviewed speakers in the $40,000-$110,000 range and looked at their measurements. As far as I can tell, you're pretty much wrong. 
Though not exactly a meticulous examination of all the available tweeter designs out there, It appears that Be is a decent material capable of exemplary performance, Al-Mg holds it's own decently well, and silk absolutely blows. I mean, if ANYBODY is going to get silk right, wouldn't it be Wilson?