Advantages of beryllium?

Can someone please explain the advantages of beryllium drivers over titanium or aluminum?

Also, how concerning are health risks associated with beryllium?

many thanks for your input. 

This is a side note: extrapolating from your post one would think that audiophilia will die with baby boomers. It is an interesting hypothesis and I feel that it contains more than just a nugget of truth.


And there is nothing wrong with buying speakers that make you feel younger! :) but call it what it is.


Any chance hipsters and headphone folks save some of it?

I'm front end of "Gen X."  There's a few of us...maybe waiting for estate sales and Goodwill drops when the heirs look at those ancient lightbulb radio thingies and giant speakers that don't look like soundbars and don't have wifi.
I’m a millennial hipster idiot. I bought Harbeth P3ESR and some Rega stuff if that counts as a start of saving it...