Isolation feet/cones for PS Audio NuWave DSD DAC

Hey all,

I am debating between Large DH Cones and Herbies Tenderfeet.
Anyone have experience specifically with this DAC?

Another question.  Did you ever compare the performance of the GS DH Super Pad to the Squares?  Is there a big pick up?  I am debating whether to get one of the Pads to put under my amp.  I hear that the squares get you only half of the benefit of the full super pad because its larger size permits  better dissipation of vibrational energy.  Does that benchmarking sound right to you?
Thanks again

Geoff, In any case these DH cones with their squares are truly excellent resonance devices. Thanks for the tip.  

By the way, I am also using a set of 4 of your springs under my Apple Airport Extreme.  Those work very nicely too.  
I’ve tried herbies and DH cones. I recently switched to mig 2. The music seems more lively with the mig 2s to me.
Must be a big difference between the original MIGs and the MIG 2s.  I know the former.