Does a new cd transport require break-in time?

I just ordered a new Cambridge CXC transport to go along with  Gungy DAC.
Does it require any break-in time?
677 posts                                                                            11-12-2017 7:23am


The following quote is from Schiit Tech support in response to the noise you are hearing when you are pausing music. My *assumption* is that the same response would apply to your Gungnir.

"The Yggdrasil doesn’ t trigger on silence itself, it triggers on the loss of signal. If the CD Player outputs silence but maintains the stream that will be fine, however if your CD Player actually stops the stream entirely then you will get the click. Different CD Players behave differently."

So basically what they are saying is that the device you are using as transport *stops the stream entirely*. You may test that of course by using a different playback device. In my particular case, every device I have used as transport does not cause my Yggy to make any kind of "shattering electrical noise".

I doubt the Cambridge CXC transport interrupts the data lock of the DAC when a CD is paused or stopped. The only thing that should cause the transport to interrupt the lock, if it operating correctly, is turning the power switch off.
rvpiano OP

228 posts                                                                             11-11-2017 1:26pm

 Interestingly, I much prefer the sound of the Gungnir with the Oppo transport.
The definition is probably better with the Cambridge, but there is, on my system, a shrillness I don’t like. The Oppo just sounds better and has plenty of detail. Maybe the Cambridge will sound different after more break in.

LOL, on some other forums if you posted that statement the naysayers would scurry from out of the woodwork. Bits are bits, no way transports can sound different from one another. No way!

As for comparing the sound of the Oppo to the Cambridge in all fairness the Cambridge is still breaking, burning, in.

Just curious, have you tried using the DAC from the Oppo connected to the Cambridge transport?
Shrill sound? Looks like you have a jitter problem with the Gumby and it prefers the Oppo. Bits are bits but how well a DAC handles jitter is part of the DAC design.
The digital coax cable the OP is using could also be part of the problem.

White paper.

Is The AESEBU / SPDIF Digital Audio Interface Flawed ?

Yes, I know the paper is from 1992.

Yup. That is why all modern DACs should have complete jitter immunity. Some don't despite 20 years of jitter issues.