TriPlanar tonearm outward skating issue

Hi all,

I have been trying to research a solution to a recent issue with my TriPlanar VII UII tonearm that I bought  a couple years back.

The tonearm seems to want to skate outwards, even with zero anti skate applied and the weight removed from the little anti skate arm. It is evident at various settings of VTF, VTA, etc. The platter is very level and everything seems to be aligned OK. This outward skating force is very light in the outer grooves and becomes stronger as the cartridge gets closer to the end of a side. In fact, as it traces the lead-out grooves at the end of a side, the tonearm sometimes thrusts outwards across those grooves back into the last track. Very scary!

A visual check of the cantilever azimuth seems to confirm an outward pressure from the tonearm since the cantilever is leaning with the stylus end closer to the spindle.

I can’t seem to find any information online about this phenomenon.

Any insights and recommendations would appreciated.
Hi Raul,

Like yourself, I’ve encountered products which make unforgivable design decisions but it’s UNFAIR to put the Tri-Planar into this category.

I have yet to handle a tonearm which didn’t have at least one or two design quirks. There is no foolproof/bulletproof tonearm in existence. If there were, I suspect it would be so over-engineered as to have sonic compromises.

Also, let’s not allow the IAE ("Internet Amplification Effect") damage the reputation of a well-conceived tonearm.

The only time I’ve seen any sort of problem with Tri-Planar wire routing was that SINGLE OBVIOUS CASE of ABUSE by the previous owner. I was stunned when I saw the photos it’s second owner sent me.

The first owner clearly tampered with the wire and did so very incompetently. I dug up two photos the customer sent me (links are below).

Can you honestly tell me that this kind of damage does not constitute abuse?

My point is, that people do the darnedest things, and a manufacturer can’t control everything. The sort of individual who can handle a record and cue it up would never damage the cable routing.

Take note of how the wires are untwisted (in comparison with the earlier photo I posted). It may not be clear from these views, but the wires were interfering with the cutout in the arm tube. They in NO way resemble the standard cable routing.

Thom @ Galibier Design
Raul, IMO you owe Triplanar and Lew an apology. Your statements are false and uncalled for.
" Raul, IMO you owe Triplanar and Lew an apology. Your statements are false and uncalled for. "

Raul will not apologize because he really believes he has done absolutely nothing wrong I think you need to understand Raul and the many claims he makes. Raul lives in the world of the internet and armchair theory and magazine articles and hearsay such as what contributors to this group post here and he then incorporates this limited "information" into his closely held belief system as though it were an actual verifiable fact because he can not see the difference between actual verifiable hand' s on experience and what he thinks people say its' all facts to him. So yes Raul actually believes the Triplanar tonearm is an incomplete design because it appears that way based on what he has read here in this group and he has no actual facts to challenge it and in fact it is rather obvious that he has limited experience in actually setting up a turntable system that is part of a Music Reproduction System or else he would have recognized early on that the suggestion to look at the cable "dressing" was the obvious first thing that should be carefully examined given the other information provided here in this group.
Dear @thom_mackris : I know that you really give a very good support to your customers, good for that.

The issue of my coments is way different from your " feelings " about. Looking again the first picture you shared here now I understand why is a design fault in the Triplanar that’s easy to fix and not only that but give a better quality performance to this good tonearm. Of course that it’s up to the manufacturer stays as is or make some changes.

@atmasphere I owe nothing, problem with you is that I’m not biased to like you. You are a manufacturer not a simple audiophile/audio customer as me. Btw, your opinion of " flase statements " is false because your unknowledge level/ignorance in that special subject. Period.

Regards and enjoy the MUSIC NOT DISTORTIONS,
You are a manufacturer not a simple audiophile/audio customer as me.
Wow. Just- wow.

So as a manufacturer, that makes me less qualified to see when someone is insulting others and making uncalled for remarks??
