Is My Onkyo Receiver's Tuner Dead or Just Playing Posum?

Tried using the AM/FM tuner in my Onkyo TX-SR876 home theater receiver but getting no sound. I called Onkyo tech support but the best they could tell me is: "Try a different antenna". This tuner has worked in the past (Las Vegas) but I had a clean line-of-sight to Black Mountain broadcasting antennas. I know this is a shot in the dark but maybe an Onkyo wizard will read and suggest a fix? Can't believe the tuner would just konk out...
I did a "factory reset" few days ago just to be sure some obscure option wasn't accidentally engaged. Checked most of your suggestions (blindjim) and the dang thing just doesn't work. I have the receiver set up next to my (brick) fireplace. Not sure which direction signal is from. Why does my $40 portable radio work and the Onkyo does not (if weak signals)? I'll just use internet radio...
OK.  Without knowing what type of antenna that you have, get a cheap pair of rabbit ears antenna and connect it to the receiver.  You may need to get a connector ... UHF VHF FM 75-300 Ohm TV Antenna Adapter Matching Transformer (cost about $2).   If you $40 portable radio works, so should your receiver.  Try moving your receiver to a different room.  

Yes, tried rabbit ears (screw in coax connection) then tried the "piece of wire" antenna that came with the Onkyo -no dice. Using the "loop" AM antenna supplied by Onkyo -nd. Thanks for the suggestions...
wow. sorry to hear its still no go.

one last thing....

I’m assuming as is everyone else, this thing works with another source, right?

As you said you did a Factory reset holding in the power button and one other one I don’t recall now.

I recall when I first got mine, i only hooked up the FM to an outside ANT. just to check it out quickly. the volume was really, reallly low. i mean extraordinarily low. I now remember having to really crank the knob to get volume. At least a couple full turns!

Put some Rabbit ears on it, and I’d tuen in a station I know is running, ensure its locked on it indicating things should work and slowly start cranking up the volume.

I’d not go past 3 complete turns as you should get something between #2 and #3.

If you do, great! Then get into the settings and adjust the initial ‘on’ volume in the volume settings for the tuner. You can adjust the sources individually so they will all come on at the same level.

If all else fails… well the net is IMHO better than On Air anyhow. Except for local info & updates..

Very good luck.

I read this thread with interest.  I live outside Chicago, listen to WFMT, and have an Onkyo receiver of approximately the same vintage with a Tuner that’s been on the fritz for about two years now.  In my case I get static, but can’t pull in any FM or AM stations.
   The only station that we listen to at home is WFMT..  since I already had both an Apple TV and Bluesound in the system, I switched to Internet Radio and we listen digitally.  This also led to us exploring other Classical Stations and now our favorite is Radio Venice.  WFMT sounds great digitally but I mainly listen to it in the car.
in my case I suspect something may have happened with the aerial, but it’s located in our attic, which is a crawl space.  We had a Home Theater installer place it there, but in the last two years I’ve had Open Heart and back surgery, so I’m not going up there to investigate.  If the task doesn’t cause me harm, my wife will hit me with a frying pan for trying.  And pretty much any radio station worth listening to has a digital feed.  Unless you are die hard analog (and if you are listening via a receiver and not a tube amp, I suspect that you are not), the differences are minor, and once you start exploring the amount of choice available digitally, you’ll never want to go back