Maybe tube preamp

My current setup is Tidal; ifi  nano DSD; Parasound HCA 2200 (recent purchase) ; Magnepan 1.7i  

This arrangement sounds pretty good at low volume with most material.  However I think it would benefit from a preamp.  The ifi's output maxes out at 1.3 volts.  I was thinking the warmth of a tube preamp would be a good match for this setup.  Years ago I had a New York Audio Labs setup. I liked it but it save for the noise floor. My HCA 2200 is blissfully silent. 

My budget is about $1,000


Thanks folks. Matt, I checked out Upscale Audio. I didn’t find any Shrimps, but they do have a Jolida Fusion that mesh recommended. It is listed at $849. I see a Conrad Johnson Classic SE here for $1250. I also see there is a shrimp model (not jumbo) That sells for $2500 new. Any difference other than the phonograph stage?

I also became intrigued by the Prima Luna Prolog Premium which goes for $2200 new So far I haven’t seen any of those used. The Conrad Johnson and I think the Manley are US made. A plus in my view.

I am also thinking about Rogue

Anyone have experience with these units?

This question seems to pop up at least twice a month and the recommendations always include the usual suspects and/or personal favorites. The input impedance of this particular amp is high enough to allow most tube preamps out there so you can basically pick anything within your budget. For under $1K budget, I'd recommend new and suggest Aric Audio, Quicksilver, or Mapletree Audio.

Good luck.

If you're still looking within that budget, I just listed a Modwright SWL 9.0se here.  My amps are virtually silent at idle too, and the Modwright is one of the quietest pieces I've had in the system (which might be due to the Bybee upgrade in this particular instance, although I never heard it pre-Bybee) 

Rogue is great as well.  Rogue and Modwright are both on the more extended/dynamic side of the spectrum. Primaluna is relatively less airy/clean/dynamic/extended but highlighting an even more textured, palpable midrange.  At any rate, enjoy the journey, I think you are headed in the right direction with tubes for your system. 
Take a look at Aric Audio's The Unilimited preamp (just under 1K) and Aric @aricaudio is terrific to deal with.