Horn based loudspeakers why the controversy?

As just another way to build a loudspeaker system why such disputes in forums when horns are mentioned?    They can solve many issues that plague standard designs but with all things have there own.  So why such hate?  As a loudspeaker designer I work with and can appreciate all transducer and loudspeaker types and I understand that we all have different needs budgets experiences tastes biases.  But if you dare suggest horns so many have a problem with that suggestion..why?
I have nothing against horns these days and in fact like many good ones I hear (especially run off tube amps which is another story) but my first exposure to a horn speaker was working at Radio Shack for several years.  Remember the big Mach Ones  in the front of most stores?   They did not sound good at all with most of the SS receivers of the day.    I preferred most any Radio Shack speaker over those.  Radio Shack use to be everywhere and I'd bet many heard those and got a sour taste.   
I have no problem everyone likes something different i have never seen hate for horns from a seasoned Audiophile.Enjoy!!
I had a friend buy a new pair of the old Machs he still is using. But now is running off a cheap tube amp and I helped with network and woofer surrounds and they sound pretty darn good. But do agree that many might have heard cheap horns and just lump that all in and form a opinion. I also feel that many audiophiles have been sold on small profitable speaker systems and since most all have these that means that is the best way that they have somehow achieved a consensus.            Also that a misunderstanding exists that many assume horns do not image because some horns radiation patterns are designed for even response off and on axis while audiophile systems mostly aim at even response on axis thus the solo audiophile sitting centered. Horns can be optimized for both uses and have been for decades much music audiophiles cherish was mastered on Altec RCA TAD etc. 
I like horns. There are some individuals that don’t care for the sound of horns.